Unfortunately, there are times when a tooth needs to be extracted because of an issue like severe decay or damage. Our dental professionals will ensure that you’re taken care of every step of the way.

What is a Tooth Extraction?
Extracting a tooth means removing the tooth from your mouth. At Carolina Oaks Dental Care, we take a conservative approach and always try to save your natural tooth. However, in some cases, a tooth is too damaged or decayed and must be extracted to prevent a bacterial infection and other complications. Our team will make sure the experience is convenient and comfortable. We also offer a variety of tooth replacement options to help restore your smile after your extraction.
What Do You Need to Tell Your Dentist Before a Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extractions are generally simple procedures, but it’s essential to inform your dentist in Anderson, SC of your complete medical history, your family’s medical history (if applicable), and if you are taking any medications.
Some other pieces of important information include:
- Do you have a congenital heart defect?
- Do you have a heart valve replacement?
- Are you taking any blood thinners?
- Do you have liver disease?
- Do you have any artificial joints, or have you had a hip replacement?
- Is your immune system impaired or compromised?
- Do you have a history of bacterial endocarditis?
When Do Patients Need Tooth Extractions?
A tooth extraction is a common dental procedure and something our Anderson, SC dentist performs in our office. Some of the circumstances that could require the removal of one or more teeth include:
Solving “Crowded Mouth” Problems
Teeth that are too large for a patient’s mouth, or are too numerous can become problematic and need to be removed to create enough room for the other teeth.
If a patient is visiting us and preparing to receive orthodontic care, the dentist may decide to extract any teeth which are ‘crowding’ the mouth and blocking the progress of any orthodontic measures.
Removing Decaying Teeth
A tooth which has started to decay can often be resolved by installing a crown or a veneer over the existing tooth. However, if a patient has neglected to properly maintain their teeth and gums and decay has caused extensive damage to the tooth, then extracting it may be the only option.
Removing Damaged Teeth
Teeth may become damaged for any number of reasons, but the most common reason that patients at our dental office in Anderson, SC require a tooth extraction is as a result of a sports-related injury. This is why we strongly encourage all of our patients to wear mouth guards while playing sports.
Extracting Erupting Teeth
When a tooth breaks through the gums it is referred to as “erupting”, and while this is generally a smooth process, teeth may become “trapped” inside of the gums, leading to painful swelling and inflammation.
Usually, it is the wisdom teeth which cause problems of this nature. As they begin erupting from the gums, there is often not enough room inside the mouth to accommodate the additional teeth, and as they emerge they begin pressing on the surrounding teeth. These issues must be resolved as quickly as possible, as the erupting wisdom teeth can damage the surrounding teeth if left untreated.